Content | Creation
Marketing lives and dies by the quality of its content, and content is the rub for most organizations. Every ad, post, photo, story, video, email, text, and blog has to be designed, gathered, written, captured, interviewed, edited, and so on. It requires endless creativity and storytelling. This is one of my greatest strengths.
Content | Marketing
In tandem with content creation is developing and managing an ongoing schedule across multiple platforms to multiple audiences. My experience and wiring bridges the gap between strategy and creativity. Each platform is unique, and a comprehensive strategy is vital to build brand awareness and increase customers/followers.
Content | Maintenance
Often overlooked is monitoring how effective the content is and making any necessary changes to increase impact. This includes keeping an eye on the latest trends to remain relevant and competitive. Metrics and analytics inform effective customer service, and good customer service is how you build brand loyalty.
Social Media
Content creation and marketing are the #1 challenges identified by business owners and executives, and for good reason. The industry standard is to post 3-5 times a week. That’s up to 260 posts each year. More when you consider the content you post on one platform should be adjusted for other platforms.
Websites are the foundation of the internet. They must be well designed, mobile responsive, and fast to remain competitive in today’s market. Is the site user friendly? Is it intuitive? Is the content clear? Customers should be the #1 focus when building a website, so content, organization, and functionality are key.
Text & Email
Both texting and email can be effective ways to reach customers on a more personalized basis. To stand out in the onslaught of information, quality matters over quantity. It’s true people pay attention to what matters most to them. I believe it’s also true people pay attention if they feel like they matter to you.